brencroninJan 192 min readIncident Response - After Action Review (AAR) TemplateHighlighting and tracking improvement ideas and tasks derived from the incident using the 5 Why’s model to identify root causes and solution
brencroninJan 712 min readVirtualization Monitoring & Incident Response - VMwareVirtualization platforms have become standard in many organizations and have been more commonly been exploited by threat actors.
brencroninDec 11, 202429 min readIncident Response - LinuxLinux Incident Response Approach Overview When conducting incident response on Linux systems, certain types of analysis can be performed...
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brencroninNov 26, 20243 min readInsider ThreatThree categories of Insider Threats: Malicious insiders Theft of IP Sabotage Espionage Negligent Insiders Ignoring policy and procedures...
brencroninAug 4, 20243 min readCyber Incident Response - Incident Communications PlanCyber Incident Response Communications Plan Purpose The purpose of this communications plan is to ensure secure, efficient, and...
brencroninAug 4, 20243 min readCyber Incident Response - Incident Declaration Policy,Purpose The purpose of this policy is to establish a standardized process for the declaration of a cyber incident and the subsequent...
brencroninApr 17, 202412 min readAdversary-in-the-Middle (AiTM) and Business Email Compromise (BEC)Cyberattacks persistently target both systems and individuals. Among these, compromising user credentials stands out as a prevalent...
brencroninMar 9, 20245 min readMalware Analysis - Encoding/Decoding to Mask/Unmask Hackers Dirty Deeds - Base64One critical aspect of malware behavior lies in Data Obfuscation, where malware seeks to conceal its activities through various...
brencroninNov 15, 20232 min readRansomware - Techniques - Encryption via GPUpdateEnsuring the security of an organization's Domain Controller (DC) is paramount, recognizing it as a critical asset that must be protected...