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Incident Response (IR) - Server/Host Analysis


Updated: Dec 16, 2024

Host based IR Approach

The main categories of alerts come from the following sensor instrumentation:

  • Network sensors

  • Identity sensors

  • Host/Server sensors

Triaging alerts can be challenging, even when vendors provide guidance like, "Check if this activity is normal for your environment." During triage and incident response, it's essential to identify all key assumptions about an alert, understand why those assumptions were made, and evaluate their confidence levels.

As analysts gather more data and investigate signals, some findings may decrease the likelihood of an incident, while others may increase it. It’s crucial to critically assess each assumption or hypothesis, ensuring they remain valid in the current context.

Below are high-level steps for analysis, highlighting additional data to examine and specific indicators of suspicious activity that may increase the likelihood of an alert or incident being a true positive.

Network sensor alert analysis

Determine if the alert came from a network sensor or a host-based sensor?

If the alert came from a network-based sensor pivot to the host:

  • Find the process that is making the suspicious network connection.

  • Find the process command line argument for the suspicious network connection

Proceed to the host-based investigation process to investigate the binary/file that is the source of that suspicious network connection.

Identity sensor alert analysis

  • Determine what systems the identity logged onto and proceed to Host/Server alert analysis.

  • If the compromised identity did not logon to any systems proceed to identity compromise response

Host/Server sensor alert analysis

For compromised systems the following are activities that the threat actor will likely engage in. Different threat actors may have different tradecraft for the sequence that they perform these activities. Indications of certain of the below activities, or combinations, could immediately raise likelihood that the incident is a true positive.

  • Search for signs of defense evasion

  • Search for signs of privilege escalation

  • Search for signs of discovery

  • Search for signs of Command & Control

  • Search for signs of lateral movement

  • Search for signs of persistence

  • Search for signs of exfiltration

Host-based incident response focuses on analyzing the processes involved in suspicious activity to identify unusual or anomalous indicators. Beyond identifying distinct behaviors, the core of effective host analysis lies in scrutinizing the processes linked to suspicious actions. Each process has user space task with a specific virtual memory layout, a Process ID (Pid), an initial binary on disk, an ACL Token, environment variables etc. This section will begin with that approach.

Determining if a process is bad

Attackers frequently exploit services and well-known processes to remain undetected, leveraging techniques like masquerading, registry manipulation, and misdirection via non-standard paths. Proactive monitoring of service creation events, process behavior, and critical system executables is essential to detect and mitigate these threats effectively.

Key Steps for Evaluating Processes:

  • Identify Lookalike Processes

  • Monitor Unique Processes

  • Verify Parent Process and File Path

  • Validate Process Command-Line Parameters

  • Analyze Parent-Child Process Relationships

  • Check Process Creator

Identify Lookalike Processes

Watch for processes with names resembling legitimate applications or Windows processes (e.g., misspellings or slight variations). The most common lookalike doppelganger is variations of svchost.exe like svcchost.exe, or svhost.exe.

Monitor Unique Processes

Pay close attention to processes that are typically single-instance or exclusive. Several system processes that should only have one instance:

  • lsass.exe

  • smss.exe

  • services.exe

  • wininit.exe

  • system

  • searchindexer.exe

  • SearchProtocolFilter.exe

  • audiodg.exe

  • spoolsv.exe

Verify Parent Process and File Path

Confirm that the process was spawned by the correct parent process and originated from an expected file path.

Most system processes run from %systemroot%\system32


  • Windows explorer %systemroot%

  • Other

Examples of anomalous paths include:

  • C:\Temp\

  • C:\ProgramData\

  • C:\Windows\

  • C:\Windows\Temp\

  • Place high-priority alerts on services with drivers located in these directories, as they can indicate malicious activity, even if the driver is legitimately signed.

Validate Process Command-Line Parameters

Ensure the process's command-line arguments align with standard or expected behaviors.

  • Some system processes don't have command line parameters, but others should.

  • All svchost processes should have a -k argument (tells services.exe which service group and service dlls should run under the svchost process.

Examples of common malicious process doppelgangers:

  • lsass.exe:

    • Handles authentication via Security Service Providers (SSPs) and should not spawn child processes.

    • Check for misspellings such as lass.exe or lsasss.exe, which often signal threats.

  • csrss.exe:

    • This essential subsystem manages console processes and threads.

    • Watch for misspellings like cssrss.exe, crss.exe, or csrsss.exe, as these indicate potential malware.

  • svchost.exe:

    • This shared-service process loads services from DLL files. It is managed by services.exe, the sole process responsible for handling system services.

    • Legitimate instances of svchost.exe will include the -k argument in their command line.

    • Malicious actors may disguise malware as svchost.exe, altering the description to “Host Process for Windows Services.”

    • Key indicators of malicious use:

      • Absence of -k in the command line.

      • Presence in non-standard directories.

      • Parent process is not services.exe.

Analyze Parent-Child Process Relationships

Look for anomalies in parent-child process chains that deviate from normal process creation.

  • All svchost.exe processes should be a child of services.exe.

  • User processes are usually a child of explorer.exe

  • Some svchost processes spawn office processes (outlook preview)

  • Watch for parent and child process of cmd.exe

  • cmd.exe parent should always be exploter.exe

Check Process Creator

Identify the user or service account responsible for creating the process to detect unauthorized activity.

  • High-Priority alerts for process admin activity:

    • Monitor for administrator accounts creating services that execute as System. This is a common privilege escalation tactic used by threat actors.

    • High-priority alert scenarios include services that:

      • Execute a malicious binary directly.

      • Write to a named pipe controlled by an attacker, enabling impersonation token theft.

      • Execute a DLL using rundll32.exe.

  • Processes making network connections that normally shouldn't

  • Office applications spawning scripts

  • trusted processes that typically do not interact with GUI loading desktop/user DLLs

Other indicators of maliciousness

Search for signs of defense evasion

Clearing logs:

wevutil cl security
wevutil cl system
wevutil cl application

EDR enumeration and exclusions

Search for signs of privilege escalation

Search for signs of discovery

  • General discovery commands

  • Internet Connectivity

  • Admin shares

  • AD Enumeration

  • Web enumeration (nmap, NIKTO)

General discovery commands


  • certutil

  • net share

  • taskkill

  • route print

  • dir

  • netstat

  • tasklist

  • set

  • ipconfig

  • ntfsinfo

  • ping

  • systeminfo

Internet Connectivity

certutil -urlcache -split -f temp.html

Note default ping does 4 pings. this connectivity check only specific 2 with the -n switch.

ping -n 2
ping -n 2

queries to free Internet IP/API services. These services will provide the threat actor the public IP address of the system that they are operating on.

Admin shares

AD Enumeration

  • BloodHound

Web enumeration (nmap, NIKTO)

Search for signs of Command & Control

  • Remote Access tools

    • Anydesk, ActionRM, etc

  • C&C analysis:

    • LOL Tools:

      • powershell, curl, wget, ssh

    • SOCK Proxies:

    • Tools:

      • Cobalt Strike, etc

    • Protocols:


Search for signs of lateral movement

Attackers without credentials to access remote machines often target shared file systems to propagate malware. Common tactics include:

  • Backdooring Commonly Opened Files: Embedding malicious scripts into frequently accessed files on shared drives.

  • Injecting Malicious Macros: Modifying frequently used documents to add or alter embedded scripts, exploiting users who open them.

  • Backdooring or Creating LNK Files: Introducing compromised or new shortcut (LNK) files in shared directories to redirect users to malicious content.

Lateral Movement methods:

  • Legitimate credentials

  • Remote Desktop (RDP)

  • Admin shares

  • PSExec

  • WMI

  • Powershell remoting

    • WinRM, a SOAP-based API operating over TCP/5985 or TCP/5986, was developed as a successor to DCOM for remote operations. It serves as the transport layer for tools like PowerShell Remoting.

  • Vulnerability exploitation of web interface

PSExec Details

PsExec Operates in 3 Stages

  1. File Deployment via SMB:

  • PsExec establishes an SMB connection to the ADMIN$ share on the target device and copies the PSEXESVC binary to the Windows directory.

  • The Impacket variant differs slightly, uploading a service binary with a randomized name instead of the default PSEXESVC.

  1. Service Creation via RPC:

  • PsExec connects to the target device’s RPC service (port 135) to create and start a new service, typically named PsExecSVC.

  • The Service Control Manager (sc) is used to initiate the uploaded binary as a Windows service.

  1. Communication via Named Pipe:

  • A named pipe, \\.\pipe\PSEXESVC, is created to facilitate communication between the host and the target device, enabling input/output operations.

  • Commands executed remotely run under the PSEXESVC.exe process, which is spawned by the services.exe parent process.

Example of Malicious Use:

An attacker could use PsExec to execute commands like sharing all drives on the target host:

net share [C-Z]=[C-Z]:\ /grant:everyone,FULL  

Cleanup Post-Usage:

Once the remote task is completed, the PsExec service (PsExecSVC) is stopped, and the PSEXESVC.exe file is deleted from the ADMIN$ share.

Detecting PsExec Activity

On the Target Machine:

  1. Network Share Access:

    • Windows Event ID 5145 logs access to the ADMIN$ network share, indicating potential file uploads (e.g., psexecsvc.exe).

  2. Service Installation:

    • Event ID 7045 records the creation of the PsExecSVC service on the target machine.

  3. File Presence:

    • The presence of psexecsvc.exe in the Windows directory is a clear indicator of PsExec usage.

On the Source Host:

  1. License Agreement Confirmation:

    • A registry value is created when the PsExec license agreement is accepted, signaling its use on the source system.

  2. Execution Artifacts:

    • Execution history, such as Prefetch files, can provide evidence of PsExec.exe usage.

  3. Binary and Service Indicators:

    • The presence or execution of the following files/services can indicate PsExec activity:

      • PsExec.exe (main binary).

      • PsExecSVC.exe (service binary).

      • A service named PsExecSVC.

      • Named pipes created with the name PsExecSVC.

| where InitiatingProcessComamndLine contains "psexe"
| distinct ProcessComamndLine 

Monitoring executable files being written to administrative shares. The executable file will be created by the ntoskrnl.exe process, which is the kernel process that manages SMB, and the ShareName column will be ADMIN$.

| where InitiatingProcessFileName == "System"
| where InitiatingProcessFolderPath endswith "ntoskrnl.exe"
| where ShareName == "ADMIN$"
| where FileName == "PSEXECSVC.exe"
| project FileName, InitiatingProcessFileName, nitiatingProcessFolderPath, ShareName

Monitoring for anomalous remote connections to RPC (Port 135)

| where RemotePort == 135
| summarize count() by InitiatingProcessFileName
| sort by count_ asc

??????more over port 445???

Search for signs of persistence

  • Scheduled tasks

  • Service installs

  • WMI event consumers

Search for signs of exfiltration

  • Mega

  • RClone

Document findings in timelines


Timeline analysis is a critical component of incident response investigations. It involves constructing a chronological sequence of events related to a security incident, allowing responders to understand how the incident unfolded and identify key moments of compromise, escalation, and attacker activity. Here’s why timeline analysis is essential:

Understanding the Incident Scope

  • Timeline analysis helps investigators determine the full scope of the incident, including when the attack began, how it progressed, and which systems or data were affected.

  • It uncovers the attacker’s entry point and lateral movement within the network.

Identifying Attack Patterns

By analyzing timestamps, responders can identify patterns in the attacker’s behavior, such as the methods used, persistence techniques, and timing of key actions.

This information is crucial for anticipating further attacker actions and crafting effective containment strategies.

Establishing Cause-and-Effect Relationships

  • A timeline provides clarity on how specific events are connected, such as how an initial phishing email led to credential theft, which then enabled unauthorized access to critical systems.

Validating and Correlating Data

  • Timeline analysis allows responders to correlate logs, alerts, and system events across multiple sources to ensure consistency and accuracy.

  • It highlights discrepancies or gaps in available data that may need further investigation.

Supporting Incident Containment and Remediation

  • Understanding when the compromise occurred helps determine the extent of remediation needed (e.g., restoring affected systems to a pre-compromise state).

  • It informs decisions on isolating affected systems, revoking compromised credentials, or enhancing defenses against similar attacks.

Enhancing Communication and Reporting

  • A well-constructed timeline simplifies communication with stakeholders by presenting a clear narrative of the incident.

  • It is invaluable for post-incident reporting, root cause analysis, and documenting lessons learned.

Legal and Regulatory Compliance

  • Timelines are often required for incident disclosure and compliance reporting, particularly in cases involving data breaches or regulated industries.

  • They provide evidence for potential legal action, whether prosecuting attackers or defending against liability claims.

Improving Future Defenses

  • Insights gained from timeline analysis can guide enhancements to detection mechanisms, policies, and procedures to prevent similar incidents in the future.



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